Lose The Weight You Want Forever
Why is it so difficult to lose weight? The answer is relatively easy for those of us who have added relatively less weight to eat less weight. So, why do we find ourselves in the same place year after year carrying more weight than ourselves?
The problem is that many subconscious problems often sabotage our best plans. This article will help you understand something that may prevent you from making progress.
Initial steps
One of the first things to look for is the energy profile you need. It is a self-assessment that determines which of a person's five basic needs drives most of that person's behavior. We all have the same five basic needs but freedom may be my highest need, on the other hand, love and kinship may be yours and survival. The other two require energy and fun. All of this plays a huge role in why we do things the way we do them.
After all, it’s important to seriously consider everything you want in your life, not just your weight loss goal, everything you want to do and experience in your life. Ask yourself, "What do I want? What if I had something? What do I want?"
Next, you want to shrink what you want into a complete vision of how things will change for you after you lose the weight you want. What do you have now? What else would you do? How to be different? You must be able to see the finished version of what you are trying to achieve with all the percentages that come with it. It will become your mental movie or daydream of how you want your life to be after achieving your weight loss goals. You will start imagining your success at least once a day.
The next step is to record everything you do that hinders your progress toward your weight loss plan. So, for example, if you can resist donuts for breakfast, write it down. If you order sweets after a meal at a restaurant, record that too. In addition to actual behavior, you need to write down the thoughts and feelings that you should feel that help or hinder your progress.
So, if you think to yourself, it's okay if I have this chocolate. What I wrote yesterday was good. Then, if you have thoughts, it doesn't taste as good as a thin feeling. If you're feeling annoyed and you grab a bag of potato chips, record the feeling of loneliness. If you feel happy when you avoid a favorite dessert, write it down as well. Whatever you do, think and feel that it helps or hinders your progress towards your weight loss goal.
The next step is to critically evaluate, ate what you are doing, thinking and feeling, and asking yourself the difficult question that I am going through, will I finish what I want? Will I perform the aspect of my new life that I have created in my mental movies?
If your answer is yes, then great! You most likely don't have to keep perusing this article. Simply continue doing what you are doing and you will arrive. But if your answer is no, then read
If your answer is no, hopefully, you have succeeded in creating some cognitive inequality for yourself. It’s an uncomfortable feeling that gives you some information that you need to change something. It is easy to continue the bad habits that we have developed over time without experiencing this cognitive irregularity. People usually do not make changes in their lives unless they are in some serious pain.
If you do not move forward with your goal, the first thing you should examine is: Do you have a strong desire to achieve your goal? Whatever your weight and fitness goals, you must have a burning desire to accomplish them.
Another possibility is that so far you have not had a very good plan on how to lose weight. You will be allowed to easily sabotage your success without any plan. When we struggle with the conditioning of our brain, only energy takes us so far.
The third possibility is that you want something that competes with your weight loss plan. There are many possibilities to consider but in your list of behaviors, thoughts, and emotions you will see some developments or hidden or obvious that you developed earlier. What would you do, think and feel instead of something that would ensure your success through your weight loss plan? A great question to ask yourself is: What do you have to give up to succeed in your weight loss goal?
In addition to weight loss, you need to make some decisions if you want to be aware of other things. Do you want more than just weight loss? If this is the case then you can decide to give up the idea of losing weight and doing, doing, or getting something else of your choice simply then you will have another objective to run after.
Another alternative is to deliberately conclude that you need to get more fit more than all else. If f this happens, you must pay special attention to the temptation areas in your neural reconditioning program, which I will explain later.
Finally, the last option involves finding some sort of compromise so that you can keep some things to your liking. For example, I only read in a magazine of a movie star who restricts his carbohydrate intake to six days a week but then allows himself as much pizza as he wants on Sundays. This is a workable compromise.
The final question to ask yourself is: Am I willing to do what is necessary to make my plan a success?
Develop your plan
There are numerous interesting points when arranging. You must consider your most important needs and be sure to create a way to meet those needs when losing weight. If your biggest need is love and related to it, you can ask for a partner to work with you. If survival is your greatest need, you need to create a way to make yourself feel safe.
If power is your greatest need, then what you want to think about is probably turning your weight loss into some kind of competition. If your greatest need is independence, then you must start thinking about things, people, activities, or places that make you feel at ease that do not hinder your weight loss progress and can add these to your weight loss plan. If your greatest need is fun, you must find a way to make your weight loss fun.
The next step is to develop positive recognitions that support your weight loss goals. You must start re-programming the negative thoughts that stand in the way of achieving your goals. Often, these thoughts are beyond your conscious awareness but they are still hindering your success.
Confirmations are positive, current, time-sensitive statements that confirm what you want to be true. Research shows that our brains do not know the difference between truth and falsehood. Your brain will begin to believe it when you confirm a certain thought, value, or belief in your mind frequently enough over a long period. As a result, the brain will direct its powerful forces to do whatever it takes to reveal what is claiming to be true in your life.
Write as many affirmations as you want to support your goals. You can have assurances about your diet, practice, thoughts, and anything else that will help you move towards achieving goals. There is no limit to the number of days your approval list can go. Decide how much time you want to spend with them each day, double the five minutes per day. You should make sure you wake up once before you wake up first and sleep at the end of the day
It is helpful to look yourself in the eye when talking about your confirmation. You can of course do this using a mirror. Look yourself in the eye, as if to dare the person in the mirror to dispute the truth of what you are saying. Make your commitments twice a day with spirituality and conviction. Eat better if you can fit them around lunch for the third time.
After that, you want to spend some time analyzing your food which urges you to eat the wrong food and not get hungry.
Many people have replaced food to meet their needs in unhealthy ways. We eat when we are frustrated, excited, stressed, annoyed, angry, or scared. Different people use emotions as triggers to eat for different reasons. And it’s not like we’re diving into the fridge to get any apples or some carrots out! No! We’re reaching out for chocolate or potato chips. Also, no, these are not in the fifth nutritional category!
Emotions are the only thing we use for the food trigger. Sometimes we eat to be social. We eat occasionally as the food is free. Sometimes we eat because we feel a special urge. Sometimes we eat for comfort. Sometimes we eat because the clock tells us it's time to do it.
Other times, we eat when we are not hungry because we have paid for food. We were told that we must clean our plates and not waste food. We tell ourselves that we don’t like leftovers so we eat them well or probably don’t have enough to save and we don’t want to throw away good food.
To be successful in your new weight loss agenda you must think differently about food. Food is no longer the thing to reach out to your best friend or to comfort you. Food is just fuel for your body. The only time to eat is when your body tells you that it is hungry and then you must be aware of the food you have reached.
Be aware of the things you are doing related to weight loss. Paying attention and noticing the events and situations that trigger your eating will provide you with a lot of information about what needs to be done to fix things.
After analyzing your diet triggers, it would be appropriate to ask the question again, what do you have to give up to achieve the weight loss goals you have set? You may be exposed to new information to consider.
If you’ve come this far, it’s time to make your plan. First, this plan must be written. You will think of yourself as an agreement! The first two items will include a daily visualization of your new life in your plan and a recitation of your assurances.
Include ways to meet your basic needs that will not interfere with your weight loss efforts. Include elements of past success that will increase your chances of success. When you feel the triggers of your solid food, include trying to do something different. Instead, be proactive about what you do. Just don’t write, I won’t eat in frustration. Record what you will do all things being equal.
At the point when you are happy with the expected accomplishment of your arrangement, sign, and date it. Then follow the plan you made with the doggy determination